Membre de la SCNAT

La SSA a pour but de favoriser les échanges scientifiques entre les différents centres et institutions en agronomie sur le plan national et international. Elle s'adresse aux chercheurs, aux enseignants, ainsi qu'aux conseillers et vulgarisateurs.en plus

Image : Ernst Pieber, stock.adobe.comen plus

Support for young scientists

Achtung SGPW
Image : Adobe Stock

Plus aucune contribution ne peut être versée pour l'année 2024 !!!

There is funding available through member-donations, SCNAT and SGPW-SSA to support young scientists. The support should enable young scientists to participate at international scientific conferences in cases where sufficient funding is not available from the project.

Support depends on the following criteria:

  • The topic of the conference must relate to plant science and the develpment of plant cultivation in the broad sense.
  • Active participation (oral or poster presentation) at the conference
  • Submission of a completed request form together with the submitted abstract and a budget overview
  • The applicantshould be younger than 30 years (exceptions possible)
  • The applicant is expected to present a poster at the SGPW-SSA annual meeting following the conference participation and SGPW-SSA membership would be appreciated
  • Support is limited to CHF 500.-- per application

Submit your request to: